Monday Moanin Thoughts #29 Hey Principals, Time To Lead

Being a leader during the final days of a school year can be filled with many challenges. Your ability to help everyone navigate this time is critical to a positive end of the year. Your effort is needed and it is your time to LEAD! Listed below are some  helpful reminders for the end of the year. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #28 Just Asking

Just Moanin,  Just Asking
Why does it feel like it is only in our field of education that we are judged by our weakest link? How about the focus being on the educators that are incredibly  effective. They are the backbone of our profession and the norm.

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Monday Moanin Thoughts #27 Teacher Appreciation

This is an archived blog written in January 2012:

Welcome to the first Monday morning  of 2012. I trust all of you had a wonderful break and are energized to welcome back your staff and students. Besides enjoying my family, I used the break to conduct many one question interviews with learners of all ages. I was interested in finding out what did  learners appreciate about their teachers. What made them successful as instructors?  Here are some of  the comments I received: Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #26 Five Quotes For Guidance

I hope all of you find good energy  on this Monday morning. The content of today’s blog is posting five of my favorite quotes that  hopefully guide you as you begin your week. They may serve as a great reminder or possibly provide you some direction as you plan for  productive experiences. Hopefully , one of these will be helpful . Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #25 Bring ENERGY!

Good morning everyone and  welcome to the 25th edition of Monday Moanin Thoughts. I trust that spring break was a restful and  enjoyable time for you and yours. Over the past year, I have met with several building administrators to listen and discuss the work they do. I have come away with many impressions one being that administrators are very good at identifying the challenges of their job. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #24 Great Leaders Grow Part 5

Happy Monday, for many of us spring break is almost here. Today I will continue with my take aways from the Great Leaders Grow book written by Ken Blanchard with Mark Miller.  Last weeks blog dealt with the first two ideas from the chapter focusing on walking toward wisdom, honest feedback and self evaluation. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #23 Great Leaders Grow Part 4

Wow, another Monday morning as we move towards spring break. I am motivated to share with you the fourth take away from the Blanchard and Miller book, Great Leaders Grow. This week the focus is walk towards wisdom. Blanchard and Miller write , “Wisdom is the application of knowledge, discernment, insight, experience, and judgement to make good decisions when the answer may not be obvious.”  This is such a powerful definition for school leaders as they navigate the possibilities of transforming education while preparing the learner for the 21st century. To make this transformation happen , it will take a leader with great wisdom. As the authors share, ” Wisdom is different than knowledge, its deeper. It is the ability to apply your knowledge at the appropriate time in the most productive way.” Read more

What Is Your Spring Message Going To Be?

This post was published last spring. It includes two messages that were shared  by two principals with their staffs. With spring break rapidly approaching it is important that principals begin to plan a message to share with staff.  Please read the following archived post and get to work on your communication for spring 2012: Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #22 Great Leaders Grow Part 3

Happy Monday morning,  I am excited to  continue sharing my take aways from the Blanchard and Miller book Great Leaders Grow. This week the focus is on the third area of GROW, open your world. Blanchard and Millerwrite , “Leaders will add value to their performance if they open up and expand their life and leadership experiences.” By  opening their worlds, leaders can also attain more balance in both. By expanding both the work and personal experiences,  a leader can enhance both worlds. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #21, Great Leaders Grow Part 2

Happy March, this week I continue to discuss my takeaways from Great Leaders Grow by Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller. Last week I shared  ideas from the first letter of the acronym GROW. Be reminded that the  main theme of the book is that leaders have to be wiling to GROW. Blanchard and Miller write that great leaders make a choice to Grow in four areas. The first letter G is for gaining knowledge. The next letter in GROW, R is for reaching out. Read more