Monday Moanin Thoughts #286 Are You In The Dark? Don’t Get Comfortable
Well lets put the final January Monday Moanin 2018 in the books. Here comes February. I hope all of you had a great weekend. After reading a quote from Bud Ozar my thoughts kept returning to how parenting and administration is so similar. In both roles your children or your staff can leave you out of conversations and avoid approaching you with things they think you won’t approve of or be disappointed in. Or maybe they just don’t want to have the discussion and they will choose how to deal with it their own way. As a result, the parent or the administrator is in a situation that they don’t know what they don’t know. In other words they are left in the dark, maybe on purpose. There can be some good things that come out of not being aware of the issue. For example your kids or staff may learn how to take ownership of the issue or problem they may going through. The Ozar quote fits perfectly for this issue of darkness and being left out. It’s written for parents, but fits for school administrators. Read more