Monday Moanin Thoughts #54 What Learners Say About Their Teachers

Welcome to the latest edition of  Monday  Moanin thoughts. During last few weeks  I have had the opportunity  to conduct many one question interviews with learners of all ages. I was interested in finding out what did learners appreciate about their teachers. What made them successful as instructors? Here are some of the comments I received: Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #60 Keep Things In Perspective

Sorry this post is a little late on this beautiful Monday Moanin. I am not feeling stressed about it at all. I am finishing up a wonderful long weekend in Nashville visiting my son, daughter in law, and two beautiful grandchildren. It was great to get away from tweeting, blogging, and constantly looking at my iPhone. More than any other visit, I felt like I was more present and focused on just enjoying my time with them. This visit helped me begin to regain perspective and find some balance professionally and personally. It is critical during this long tunnel month of March to do just that. Read more