Monday Moanin Thoughts #295 The Final Weeks Of School Need ENERGY From All Leaders
Good morning everyone and welcome to the 295th edition of Monday Moanin Thoughts. Over the weeks since spring break, I have met with several building administrators to listen and discuss the work they do. I have come away with many impressions and at the top of the list is that administrators are very good at identifying the challenges of their job. If you ask them how things are going, you will hear a steady stream of passion about the challenges they are facing. However, when the conversation shifts towards talking about their highlights, there is usually caution, apprehension, reflection, and then some reluctance to share. Why is it that challenges are easy to discuss and highlights are a struggle? Could it be that challenges tend to be more urgent? Continued focus on challenges and what is not going well can rob leaders of the positive influence they need to lead. It is important to recognize and validate all of the many highlights that occur daily. This spring, make a commitment to provide positive ENERGY and celebrate all of the good stuff happening in your organization. Read more