Monday Moanin Thoughts #263 Here Is The Opener For Summit 2017

Happy final Monday Moanin of July, 2017. This week 120 educators from the tri-county of Detroit will attend the 6th Annual Hickey Leadership Planning Summit. It is during the Summit that participants begin to do some focused planning with their teams for the upcoming 2017-18 school year. Every year the Summit begins with an opener. I wanted to share part of the opener with you. Please consider using it as a prompt or reflection as you plan your year.  Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #262 Are You Effective As A Leader? Try These!

Happy July 2017 Monday Moanin to all of you. Hopefully your pace is slowing a bit and you are enjoying the wonderful summer weather. My topic for today’s MMT is to focusing on a few things to improve your effectiveness as a leader.  During the past week I have been reading several articles on leadership that served as a great prompt in writing this blog. How do you want to enhance your leadership? Try focusing on these things.  Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #261 Summer Reading List, Check Your Bookcase

Happy July 2017 Monday Moanin to all of you. Since the end of the school year several colleagues have asked me for a recommendation for a book to read this summer. During this past school year, I conducted coaching sessions with several building administrators. Many meetings took place in their offices. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts # 260 Best Tweets April-June 2017- Great Guide For Your Week

Happy First Monday of July 2017 to all of you. Over the last three months, I tweeted many opinions and quotes from many of the stars of leadership and education. Below are listed my top tweets during that time. Each of them had over 2500 impressions on Twitter. Consider using one of them to guide your work and planning this week.

Wednesday thought from @ToddWhitaker ;”we have to mean what we say, but we don’t have to say it mean. #lead #kind

@hickeygroup posted;’ Every school leader should say; ” I’m sorry.” When you mess up, own it and then move on.’ Read more