Monday Moanin Thoughts #219 Get Off To A Good Start By Focusing On These

Happy Final Monday in August 2016. Many of you are busily preparing for your opening staff meeting or are well into the new year. After meeting with several building and district administrators during the month of August, two topics were common during our conversations. Consistency and quality decision-making.  As you embark on a new year , consider focusing on these two areas of  leadership. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #218 Just Asking, Answer Them And Grow

Welcome to the latest August 2016 Monday Moanin Thoughts.  In most areas of Michigan the 2016-17 school year is a few short weeks away. As a result, it is a perfect time to just ask some questions regarding education as you prepare for  the upcoming year. Please reflect on them and see if they may serve as a good prompt for your opening staff meeting and future work. Here goes: Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts # 217 Use These Ingredients For A Successful Opening

Happy mid August 2016 Monday Moanin to all of you. For many of you in the Midwest your initial staff meetings will be the week before Labor Day while some of you have already started the 2016-17 school year. Either way, this recipe is something you can try at any time and enjoy success. It is very simple and doable. Sometimes we may over think plans for opening staff meetings and really all meetings. We may get disappointed and the positive tone we want to set can go flat and miss the mark.  The ingredients are listed in bold below.  Only you and your team can determine the amount of each item needed to have a successful recipe and a positive opening meeting. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #216 Planning Summit 2016, A Principal’s Perspective

Happy warm August Monday Moanin to all of you. This past week 116 Educators attended the 5th Hickey Planning Summit. The goal of the day is to plan, collaborate , and get tasks accomplished for the 2016-17 school year. Walt Kozlowski, a Middle School Principal attended his first Summit. Walt wrote about his experience at the Summit on his web page  Please enjoy his perspective and his thoughts regarding his experience. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts # 215 Here Is The Summit Opener For 2016

Happy first Monday Moanin of August 2016. This week over 100 educators from the tri-county of Detroit will attend the 5th Annual Hickey Leadership Planning Summit. It is during the Summit that participants begin to do some focused planning with their teams for the upcoming 2016-17 school year. Every year the Summit begins with an opener. I wanted to share part of the opener with you. Please consider it as a prompt as you plan your year. It is;

Does your organization have a positive culture/ climate? Reflect individually and then as a group of the following quote from Jim Rohn:

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Good luck as you begin a new year and that your planning is productive. Have a great week and keep finding the good stuff.