Monday Moanin Thoughts #269, Enhance Your Craft, Focus On These C’s

Happy first Monday Moanin of Fall 2017. Leadership is a relevant and hot topic. Visit any online magazine like Flipboard or website and you will find several articles and blogs filled with opinions of how to build a better organization. After reviewing several authors in preparation for this post, I decided to focus on three practical and rather unique areas of leadership. As a school leader, focusing on a few of these areas will certainly enhance your performance. Have a productive week by being intentional on the following 3 C’s. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #268 What Are You Going To Practice This Week?

Happy mid September 2017 Monday Moanin to all of you. Back in January 2017, I wrote about what was going to be my one word to guide my professional work and personal life for the new year. I borrowed the idea from Jon Gordon and others by adopting one word instead of more ambitious resolutions and goals to focus on. Because I struggled in the past with losing my focus on more depth filled goals, on word seemed doable. I was right, I wrote then; Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #267 The Opening Is Over, Now What?

Happy Monday Moanin to all of you on this beautiful , crisp Michigan September morning. A big shout out to all of the people of Florida and Texas as they deal with the aftermath of Harvey and Irma. You are in my prayers and thoughts, be safe. Today, most schools in the Midwest are in their initial weeks of the 2016-17 school year. Building principals and their staffs have been busy welcoming students and dealing with all of the tasks that go with starting a new year. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #266 Celebrate Your Work On Labor Day 2017

Today’s Monday Moanin Thoughts is especially challenging because it signals the end of summer for many of you. It is also Labor Day 2017. A day when we celebrate working people across America.  Even as we celebrate, there are many challenges across our country for workers including unemployment, right to work legislation, living wage issues,  a shrinking middle class, changes in pensions, and declining pay and benefits for many Americans.  Read more