Monday Moanin Thoughts #95 What Does Being Bold Mean?

Wow, welcome to another snowy, freezing cold  Monday Moanin in Michigan!This is getting old and somewhat difficult. A few weeks ago I wrote a blog on challenging all of us to be bold in 2014. Since that post, I have found numerous posts and blogs with different opinions and ideas on what being bold means. Listed below are some excerpts from those posts. Our challenge is to determine what being bold means to us. Hopefully these posts will be helpful as you reflect and determine your definition and more importantly your action. Here they are: Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #94 Honor Dr. King As You Reflect On Your Practice

As you begin your week, keep the above quote in mind as you reflect on your practice. Consider focusing on one of the above questions and either enhancing your practice or  begin addressing it by taking action.


Have a great week and keep finding the good stuff.

Welcome to another January 2014 Monday Moanin. Today we celebrate the American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. It is also the Martin Luther King Day of Service  Let’s honor Dr. King’s memory as we begin our work this week. The following Dr. King quote can help us reflect on the work we are doing in our schools.

” The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of education.”

The above quote raises some questions for us to reflect on.  A few of them are listed below.

Do we have high expectations for all  of our learners?

Is critical thinking reinforced in our classrooms? Is it taught?

Is character education a focus in our schools?

Is there a culture  of acceptance  in our schools?

Are we serving others in our school community?



Monday Moanin Thoughts #93 Five Thoughts To Guide Your Week

Welcome to the second Monday Moanin of 2014.  In Michigan we have enjoyed two days of thawing out after a big winter storm dumped more than a foot of snow across the region.  CoupledWelcomevery dangerous wind chill  temperatures , most schools were closed for several days.   Given the cold, I thought it was a great time to share some of my favorite quotes hopefully will resonate with you and serve to guide your efforts this week. Here are my top four for this week. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #92 Be Bold In 2014

Happy 2014  and welcome to all of you on this blustery, frigid, snowy, Michigan Monday Moanin. I hope you all had a great Holiday break. Two weeks ago I encouraged all of you to begin reflecting on what you wanted to start doing in 2014. I listed many prompts for you to consider as you began your reflection. Read more