Monday Moanin Thoughts # 313 Enhance Your Practice By Focusing On These Fundamentals

Happy brisk October, 2018 Monday Moanin to all of you. It is hard to believe that for most of you the first month of the 2018-19 school year is in the books. Typically the first month is front loaded with many activities and a fast pace filled with adjustments and reactions. October signals a time when most school staffs and administrators  are settling into their routines and schedules. As a result, this is a great time to refocus on some essential leadership fundamentals to enhance your performance. During this week, practice the following three fundamentals.

  • Pay attention. Begin with your learners and then move your focus to all other stakeholders. What do they need and how can I help?
  • Ruthless prioritization. Sheryl Sandburg uses this term to determine what is most important and what should a team or organization focus on. What is your #1 priority? Once you identify it, get to work.
  • Be liberal with specific praise. Using general statements usually is insufficient to demonstrate recognition and appreciation. Use their names and do not shy away from public acknowledgement.

Good luck , have a great week and keep finding the good stuff.


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