Monday Moanin Thoughts #316 As The Holiday’s Near, Reach Out To Others
Happy first December 2018 Monday Moanin to all of you. For most of you a long Holiday break is a few weeks away. December signals the time of year that many schools are taking action with the Holiday spirit in mind. Many student and school organizations are conducting food drives, providing backpacks with the essentials, food and clothing as well as other initiatives to help those students and families less fortunate. It is truly the time of year where giving to others is encouraged and needed. So, how should leaders lead during this time of year? It is simple, lead with respect, hope, and with a positive purpose. Reach out and give to others more than you receive. It is not the time to find things that may cause you to judge or blame. Be visible, accessible, and reach out with intentionality. As we move towards break, see the goodness in others, be generous and specific in your feedback and support your students and staff.
Keep finding the good stuff and have a great week as you begin your journey to a well deserved Holiday break 2018.
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