Monday Moanin Thoughts #191 Lead Better In 2016

Wow, winter is back in Michigan on this frigid January Monday Moanin. Hopefully you are all off to a productive start in 2016. Last week,  MMT #190 asked, what are you going to start in new year?  This week the focus and challenge is about enhancing your leadership effectiveness. Over the past several weeks there have been hundreds of posts and blogs written about leaders improving  their skills.  The authors all had their own opinions on what areas of leadership needed to be enhanced. The challenges for all leaders is what is most important to focus on. In writing this MMT , I  summarized all of the blogs and settled on these 3  traits for your consideration.  Focusing on the following traits will help you lead better in 2016.

Lead with humility. Many authors wrote about leaders filling the buckets of their staffs. They discussed the consistent message of sharing success and shouldering more of the criticism when things don’t go well.  Brian de Haaff writes; “it is important to stay grounded, rooting out arrogance in your own leadership.”

Lead with grit. This leadership skill is described in many ways.  For me, it is about continuing to lead with passion and hope in times of  incredible challenges.  Charmian Solter writes; “In my mind, grit equates to fortitude, resilience, and gumption and the ability to get back on your feet no matter what you are fighting.”

Lead using many communication channels. The bottom line is that you cannot over communicate. John Rampton writes; “Communication can be more frequent using new and evolving methods, better messaging or simply listening actively.”


Have a great week of focus on humility, grit, and communication. Keep finding the good stuff!



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