Monday Moanin Thoughts #41, Try These Affirmations And Reminders
There were many times during my sixteen years as a principal that I needed to get back on track. As the learning leader for your school community you face many challenges daily that can derail your vision. Over the years I used many of these affirmations and quotes to remind and guide my actions. Some of my favorites are listed below. Give them a try and see if they work for you.
- Be quick, don’t hurry.
- Remember to sweep your own front porch.
- Learning doesn’t have to be painful.
- Who are you going to encourage today?
- Be the first to serve.
- I wonder how many leaders today are reaching out with respect toward others rather than seeking it for themselves?
- I need to fill the buckets of others and not expect others to fill mine. Lead!
- Each day accomplish more than just making sure the trains are running on time.
- Be learner centered, not adult focused.
- Don’t make the same mistake twice. Keep learning.
- Don’t ask anyone to do something you wouldn’t do yourself. Get to work!
- Ask good questions. Is there a healthy tension in the building?
I want to thank many of my mentors who encouraged me to use these reminders. What affirmations do you use?
Quote of the week:
“Until you take responsibility, you are a victim. And being a victim is the exact opposite of being a leader. Victims are passive. They are acted upon. Leaders are active. They take initiative to influence the outcome.” Michael Hyatt