Monday Moanin Thoughts #29 Hey Principals, Time To Lead

Being a leader during the final days of a school year can be filled with many challenges. Your ability to help everyone navigate this time is critical to a positive end of the year. Your effort is needed and it is your time to LEAD! Listed below are some  helpful reminders for the end of the year. Read more

Monday Moanin Thoughts #28 Just Asking

Just Moanin,  Just Asking
Why does it feel like it is only in our field of education that we are judged by our weakest link? How about the focus being on the educators that are incredibly  effective. They are the backbone of our profession and the norm.

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Monday Moanin Thoughts #27 Teacher Appreciation

This is an archived blog written in January 2012:

Welcome to the first Monday morning  of 2012. I trust all of you had a wonderful break and are energized to welcome back your staff and students. Besides enjoying my family, I used the break to conduct many one question interviews with learners of all ages. I was interested in finding out what did  learners appreciate about their teachers. What made them successful as instructors?  Here are some of  the comments I received: Read more