Monday Moanin Thoughts # 69 The End Is Near- Great Time To Lead

The end of the school year is near. Please read this archived blog on some important reminders that may help you as you navigate the last few important days. Oh, and have a great Monday Moanin.


Being a leader during the final days of a school year can be filled with many challenges. Your ability to help everyone navigate this time is critical to a positive end of the year. Your effort is needed and it is your time to LEAD! Listed below are some  helpful reminders for the end of the year.

  • Provide  a positive energy and attitude during the final days of school. Remember your days are not the toughest or most difficult.
  • Let your staff know you care and support them, some staff tend to lose patience with their students  during this stretch. Be there for them.
  • During your end of the year activities including graduation, award ceremonies, or move ups at all levels, keep your  remarks short, student focused, with more we  talk than I talk.
  • Keep reminding your staff to be well planned with high expectations and patience. Remember, you are not the leader of the countdown clock for the students final day, Everyone needs to finish strong.
  • Remember to do three things, Listen, Listen, Listen.
  • This can be  a very anxious and emotional time of year for many. As result, fight being needy.  Concentrate on filling buckets during this time of year.

Get to work and step up and be a leader, you can do it!

Quotes of the week:

Arrogance = you adapt to me. Humility = I adapt to you. Rockwell

Negative culture is Lack of trust, visibility, vision & communication, allows negativity to lurk and build until it bubbles over. Chris Stogdill



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