Monday Moanin Thoughts #159 Memorial Day 2015, Lead With Courage

Happy Memorial Day 2015 to all of you.

Today we honor our heroes on this Memorial Day 2015. I can’t help but think of what character strengths our fallen held during their service to our great nation. The list of these strengths would be a lengthy one. One way to honor these men and women would be to lead by focusing on one characteristic they all shared, Courage.

For  many school leaders, the year is rapidly coming to an end.  This time of year is filled with many challenging issues including staffing, evaluations, and end of the year activities are in. When you lead during this time, be courageous in your  conversations  and decision making. Do not shy away from the opportunity to give growth producing feedback to your staff. Do not avoid talking to individuals about  the importance of making changes  in their teaching assignment for 2015-2016.  Continue to demand high expectations from all members of  your  learning community. Have the courage to communicate directly and with confidence on what needs to be said. As Terry Starbucker writes; “Decisions get made. Risks are taken. Leadership requires bravery almost every single day.”

This week, act with bravery, be direct, perform as our heroes did. Honor them by leading with courage.

Have a  wonderful Memorial Day and a great week.  Keep finding the good stuff!

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