Monday Moanin Thoughts #99 Get Better This Week
Happy mid February 2014 and welcome to all of you on this blustery, frigid, Michigan Monday Moanin. My focus for this week is challenging all of you to get better. A few weeks ago I wrote that leadership is not about doing brilliant things. It is about being effective. Listed below are the suggestions to help you do just that..
First, lead with enthusiasm. Try bringing positive energy and encouragement to your work. By showing it consistently in everything you do, others will follow.
Secondly, take action. Most leaders are well read and have a great knowledge base. Apply your learning by sharing your knowledge.
Lastly, give praise often. When people do good work, let them know it. You can’t give too much appreciation for doing well. Let your staff know!
Work at getting better this week and keep finding the good stuff.
Quote of the week:
Marsha Buckly writes;” In addition to giving respect, you must have respect for yourself. This feeling of personal worth is reflected in everything you say and do and even how you dress.”