Monday Moanin Thoughts #72 Get Ready For 2013-14, Prepare Like You’re Interviewing

Happy Summer July 2013 Monday Moanin to all of you.

For the past several weeks many of my mentees have been preparing for interviews. Through the process of conducting mock interviews and planning meetings I wondered, could I answer all of the questions and challenges of the interview process? My last interview was twelve years ago and you may share a similar time frame. It got me thinking, why not self assess and take inventory of your performance by preparing for an interview? When I reflect on the preparation of interviewing for the Stoney Creek High School principalship, many things come to mind. I think of the deep internal audit I conducted of my strengths and weaknesses. I reflected on my philosophy and vision. I defined the difference between a manager and an instructional leader. I focused on what was good instruction and the importance of building a culture of readiness among staff to handle the changes and challenges of educating learners in the 21st Century. My list of topics were endless. I also remember the passion and competitive drive within me as I prepared for the process to begin. I also am reminded of the lack of confidence as I answered the internal question of , ” Am I ready for this challenge?” The most significant highlight of the interview process was networking with colleagues that asked me questions, challenged my answers, reinforced my strengths, and encouraged me to take risks. As I look back, it was a great journey of growth for me. So, whatever our position , let’s make a commitment once a year to deeply self assess just as we would if we were interviewing for a new position.

As Covey mentions in Seven Habits, “… We are the instruments of our own performance, and to be effective, we need to recognize the importance of taking time regularly to sharpen the saw.” Try it, the results of this exercise could truly be magnificent.

This week take a few moments and reflect on the bold words mentioned above. They could serve as prompts as you begin getting ready for the upcoming school year.

Have a great week and enjoy some rest and relaxation. You have earned it.


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