Monday Moanin Thoughts # 121 Just Asking

Welcome to another Summer 2014 Monday Moanin.  For educators in Michigan another school year will begin in a few weeks. This is a perfect time to just ask some questions regarding education. Please consider reflecting on a few of them and see if they may serve as a prompt for your summer planning and work. Here goes:

What is the impact on education when 2 out of 4 children living in Michigan live in poverty?

Are  you more of an “I”  leader or a “We” leader?

Do you have a definition of  good instruction? Do your  staff members and central office administrators have a definition of good  instruction?

Do you set a tone of respect daily in your actions? Does your boss? Does your staff ? Does the school board?

Do you hear leaders in your organization say? “You have to pick your battles,”  “There is nothing I can do,”  ” I am only going to work with people that are on the bus,”or “This isn’t the right time.”  Are they leading or are they avoiding?

Is the the vision in your district focused more on the budget or centered around learning?

Does your staff  know your vision and what you stand for?

Have a great week and keep finding the good stuff.







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