Monday Moanin Thoughts #101 Just Asking, Education 2014

Welcome to another March 2014 thawing Monday Moanin. The late Detroit Free Press writer Bob Talbert, wrote every Monday an excerpt called, ” Outta My Mind On Monday Moanin”. I am going to write about issues on my mind using a similar protocol called  Just Asking.

Why do educator reformers and politicians rarely discuss the biggest educational learning  issue in our country-poverty?

Why is it that some school leaders struggle and seem to  avoid discussions about change and how to improve their schools?  It is time to invite and facilitate some real discussions with confidence and purpose.

Are you tired of the lack of collaboration between educators? Quit hoarding  in isolation and work together for all learners. Do staff members visit each others classrooms on a regular basis in your school?

Why, in many districts and organizations, is there a profound lack of clarity?  If it is lacking and the direction is clear as mud, be honest and get to work finding the answers.

How are there still some school districts in Michigan without teacher contracts?  It sounds like a blatant lack of respect to me! Is there really anything left to cut? Find the solution!

A few years ago during the economic collapse the teaching profession was  viewed as more secure than many of the businesses that were struggling. So in the blink of an eye, teachers health care, pensions, and  salaries were fair game to be cut and attacked. I guess they were overpaid and had too much security. Really? Would you encourage your child to be a teacher or seek employment in schools?

Why is it when taxes were raised on the retired educators, judges, State Police and state employees in Michigan, there was no public outcry from the political groups against no new taxes? To this day, I still  haven’t heard anything from them, have you?

Can we stop the testing and get back to the learning?



Enough Moanin, What thoughts do you have on the above questions?

Lets all make a commitment to growing and improving. Have a great week and keep finding the good stuff.





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