Monday Moanin Thoughts #158 Write A Message To Your Students, #Finishstrong

Happy Monday Moanin to all of you. A few weeks ago, I wrote about using the hashtag #finishstrong. I urged us all to view this time of year as not the ending but the beginning of next year. Earlier today, my wife shared with me a message she wrote for her graduating seniors that she will give to them later this week. It truly is an example of finishing strong. Consider doing something similar with the students or staff that you work with.   It reads;

To my Senior Students:

And so it is finally May and seniors are graduating. There are times it feels like this day will never

come and yet, every year, I’ve survived to see another class of graduates from SCHS. As we

near this day I start thinking about what I’d like to share with you. This year I decided to share

some words from one of my favorite poets, Mary Oliver. She asks,

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Such a great question, and put so well! I love that she asks about a plan. I do hope that each of

you has some sort of plan. Not to say that you will decide on one and stick with it. That rarely

ever happens in life. No, the part I appreciate about the plan is that it assumes a sense of

intentionality. I hope none of you just let life happen to you. I hope you all realize you have

choices and that you make them with some thoughtfulness. There will be enough of life that

happens without any warning – I know many of you have already experienced this in your lives.

At those times all we can do is reach down in ourselves and respond based on what we know

about ourselves at that moment. But having a plan and being intentional gives us some power

over our lives and encourages personal responsibility. I hope you find the joy in responsibility. It

will bring you power.

I also love Mary Oliver’s use of the word “wild”. As a person who has often been fairly careful in

life, I appreciate a certain element of wildness. I think it can be fun and creative and take you to

interesting places in your lives. This shouldn’t be self-destructive or harmful wildness. Just

something out of the ordinary. Something unexpected.

Oliver refers to our lives as precious. You are all so precious in your own special ways. When I

reflect back on the year I realize you are the people who so often bring me joy, raise questions for

me, challenge me, and teach me. Thank you.

This quote begins with “Tell me, what it is……”  and I do hope you will tell me. I am so curious to

see what you choose to do with your lives. I hope some of you may email or stop by sometime in

the future and let me know what you’ve been up to. I know it’s going to be great stuff!

Lastly, I realize I begin each year hoping I can deliver my required course content, but always

hope I can share so much more than that with my students. I hope you have learned more than

just what you have needed for tests. I hope there are things you may remember about living a

healthy life, and relating to each other in a kind way that will stay with you for a long time. It is

always my intention to be respectful and consistent. I know I haven’t been able to do this every

day, but hope the overall message has come through.

Good luck with all you are planning. I wish each of you success in whatever you choose to tackle

next in your lives.

And finally, as you leave, I would like to share two more quotes from Mary Oliver.

“Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it.”

“I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. Also

in singing, especially when singing is not

necessarily prescribed.”

Isn’t she amazing? I hope you read some of her poetry some day!

Enjoy your journey, and go make something wonderful of your life!

Mrs. Hickey

Thanks to Dr. Mary Jo Hickey, have a great week and keep finding the good stuff.


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