Monday Moanin Thoughts #132 Need Help Shifting From Management To Instruction?

It is hard to believe that this is the final Monday Moanin of October 2014. Over the last the few weeks I have met with many school administrators who have shared frustration about management issues consuming most of their time and energy. To help make the shift to focusing more time on instruction,  try using the following achievable strategies.

First, list specific appointments and actions in your calendar. Do not list general appointments. For example if you want to conduct classroom walkthroughs during the  9:00-10:00 am time period,  try listing them like this:

9:00-9:15 Ms. Smith walkthrough

9:20-9:35 Mr. Jones walkthrough

When you enter them into your calendar as a specific appointment it may be more difficult to adjust your schedule to a non instructional item. Leaders making this adjustment from general to specific entries are becoming more productive. They still have flexibility in their day and they are completing their important tasks.  Try putting more time into planning and using your calendar differently.

The second strategy is doable and yet many leaders struggle to work away from their office. Plan times during the day to not be working in your office. Consider conducting business in other areas of the building. For example, many leaders take their paperwork to the Media Center.  As a result they are more visible and they are not picking up minor issues that can get attached to them if they are in their office. If it’s an emergency they will find you. Get out of your office!

Over the next week give these strategies a try. I believe you will begin to feel better about what you are accomplishing during your day. Good luck!

Quote of the week:

“Leadership is a privilege – not a right. Don’t become so enamored with the perks that you forget the purpose-to serve others.” ~S. Max Brown

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